Business Writing


Recent posts

  1. Announcements
  2. Writing Assignment 03: Announcement
    • Instructor’s feedback
  3. Writing Assignment 04: Appointment
    • Peer feedback
      • content & organization
      • grammar & expression
  4. Writing Assignment 05: Request
  5. Announcements/Homework
    • By Thursday, May 11:
      • Revise WA04, and submit it. 件名の冒頭に WA04R: と記入してください。
    • By Monday, May 22:
/ BW
  1. Announcements
  2. Writing Assignment 02: Invitation
    • Instructor’s feedback
  3. Writing Assignment 03: Announcement
    • Peer feedback
      • content & organization
      • grammar & expression
  4. Writing Assignment 04: Appointment
  5. Announcements/Homework
    • By Thursday, May 04:
      • Revise WA03, and submit it. 件名の冒頭に WA03R: と記入してください。
    • By Monday, May 08:
/ BW
  1. Announcements
  2. Writing Assignment 01: Thank you message
  3. Writing Assignment 02: Invitation
    • Peer feedback
      • content & organization
      • grammar & expression
  4. Writing Assignment 03: Announcement
  5. Announcements/Homework
    • By Thursday, April 27:
      • Revise WA02, and submit it. 件名の冒頭に WA02R: と記入してください。
    • By Monday, May 01:
      • Writing Assignment 03. Send it by email. 件名の冒頭に WA03: と記入してください。
/ BW
  1. Announcements
  2. Business email basics
    • Good & bad email (worksheets)
    • Unit 1: Basic components
    • Unit 2: Basic rules
  3. Writing Assignment 01: Thank you message
    • Peer feedback
      • content & organization
      • grammar & expression
  4. Announcements/Homework
    • By Thursday, April 20:
      • Revise WA01, and submit it. 件名の冒頭に WA01R: と記入してください。
    • By Monday, April 24:
/ BW
  1. Announcements
  2. Instructor’s brief self-introduction
  3. Self-introduction/ice-breaker
  4. Overview of the course (syllabus)
  5. G-Plus/GOALS and other administrative matters
  6. Background survey
  7. Introduction to business emails
  8. Announcements/Homework
/ BW