CS-A W15 (01/15)

  1. Announcements
    • Interim report
    • G-TELP score report
    • Final make-up quiz on Friday, January 24 (09:00-12:10) at 行動科学実験室1. Listeningは10:00からと11:00からの2回再生するので、どちらか都合のよい方で受験してください。Vocabularyのみの人は上記時間内ならいつ受験してもかまいません。
  2. About the 2nd-year courses (履修の手引)
  3. Speaking test
  4. Announcements
    • Study for the final make-up quiz.
    • Continue the ReallyEnglish e-learning assignments.
    • Good luck on the final exam on Thursday, January 30.

CS-A F15 (01/10)

  1. Announcements
    • Interim report
    • Speaking test on Wednesday, January 15
    • Final make-up quiz on Friday, January 24 (09:00-12:10), room to be announced
  2. Additional activity: Big Boggle (big boggle worksheet, big boggle data)
  3. Speaking test preparation (about the speaking test)
  4. Make-up quiz for Units 01-04
  5. Announcements/Homework
    • Prepare for the speaking test.
    • Really English e-learning.

CS-A W14 (12/25)

  1. Announcements
  2. Speaking test preparation (about the speaking test)
  3. Make-up quiz for Units 11-14
  4. Announcements/Homework
    • 欠席者向けの課題:
      • Speaking test の Part 2 で用意された20の質問から好きなものを選び、それぞれ100語程度の英文で書いてください。1回の欠席につき6つ、最大で3回分の欠席(3×6=18)を埋め合わせる課題とします。Microsoft Word で作成し、最初に学生番号と氏名を記入してください。印刷したものを1月10日の授業で提出するか、1月9日までに@hgu.jpのメールに添付する形で提出してください。
    • Study for the make-up quiz for Units 01-04.
    • Prepare for the speaking test.
    • Really English e-learning.

CS-A F14 (12/20)

  1. Announcements
  2. Speaking test preparation (about the speaking test)
  3. Make-up quiz for Units 06-09
  4. Announcements/Homework
    • Study for the make-up quiz for Units 11–14.

CS-A F12 (12/06)

  1. Announcements
  2. Speaking test preparation (about the speaking test)
  3. Announcements/Homework
    • Study for the make-up quiz for Units 01-04.

CS-A W11 (12/04)

  1. Announcements
  2. Quiz for Units 11-14 on Wednesday, December 04
  3. Speaking test introduction (about the speaking test)
  4. Additional activity
  5. Announcements/Homework

CS-A F11 (11/29)

  1. Announcements
  2. Unit 15: Say that again (unit 15 dictation)
    • Listening
    • Dictation (continued)
    • Speaking task one
    • Speaking task two
    • Language game
  3. Speaking test preview
  4. Announcements/Homework
    • Study for the quiz for Units 11-14.