このページは、JASELE2023 @香川大学の発表「学習者を対象にした英語教育研究における倫理的配慮 」(2023/08/19)に関する資料の保管・公開場所です。
このページは、JASELE2023 @香川大学の発表「学習者を対象にした英語教育研究における倫理的配慮 」(2023/08/19)に関する資料の保管・公開場所です。
このページは、LET2023 @早稲田大学のワークショップ「学習者データを「見る」:外国語教師のためのデータの入力、分析、解釈方法」(2023/08/07)に関する資料の保管・公開場所です。
このページは、広島修道大学人文学部英語英文学科主催ワークショップ 「英語の授業をタスクで組み立てる」(2021/03/13)に関する資料の保管・公開場所です。
This page is for the presentation by Ken Urano at the online symposium titled English for Specific Purposes: Emerging Challenges and Possibilities in Higher Education on March 5, 2021, hosted by the Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education, Hiroshima University.
Designing task-based ESP syllabi: Two cases from an English for business purposes program
Even though the number of people who actually use English in their lives is rather small in Japan, there is a certain demand for training of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in such fields as engineering, medicine, and business, where communication in English is sometimes unavoidable. An increasing number of universities are offering ESP courses to accommodate the future needs of their students. One way to design an ESP course is to adopt task-based language teaching (TBLT). TBLT is a goal-oriented approach to language teaching, and is therefore compatible with ESP, which is by definition goal-oriented.
In this talk, I will report on an ongoing attempt to design and implement task-based syllabi at my workplace, where students learn English for business purposes. I will first introduce theoretical and empirical bases for task-based syllabus design, and show the actual process of syllabus and material design for two of the business English courses I teach, one for business email writing and the other for business presentation.
Presentation Slides [PDF] (7.2MB)
このページは、外国語教育メディア学会(LET)関西支部メソドロジー研究部会の2019年度第3回研究会@ビジネスセンター Keep Front の口頭発表「第二言語習得と外国語教育における『文法知識』の位置づけ」に関する資料の保管・公開場所です。
依頼されたものが中心ということもあり、自分のメインとしている研究とはちょっと違った内容のものが多いですね。昨年まで力を入れてきた task-based language teaching (TBLT) や English for Specific Purposes (ESP) 関連で話をする機会がなかったのが残念です。2020年にはまたそういう研究や教育実践に関する話をしていきたいと思います。とりあえずは、3月6日に広島大学の研究会にお招きいただき、Designing task-based ESP syllabi: Two cases from an English for Business Purposes program というタイトルでお話ししてきます。
2019年度は週平均で8コマ弱の授業を担当しています。そのうち5.5コマが火曜と水曜に集中していて、週末から水曜にかけては授業準備と授業そのものでだいぶ消耗してしまう感じでした。その他にも、細々したものを含め学内の仕事が例年以上に多くて、日々の To Do リストを片づけているだけで1年が終わってしまったようにも思います。学内の仕事の他にも、客員先ではM2の院生を7名抱えており、そちらにもかなりエネルギーを割きました。学外では、(給料は発生しませんが)学会関係の仕事をいくつかかかえていて、ずっとつきっきりというわけではないものののそちらもなかなか面倒で。どなたか代わってくださいませんか(苦笑)。
This page is for the presentation by Ken Urano at the 45th Annual Convention of the Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE 2019), held on August 17–18 at Hirosaki University, titled:
Japanese learners’ reliance on specificity when using the English articles: A forced-choice gap-filling study
Mastering the article system in a second language is challenging, especially when the learner’s first language does not have articles. Previous studies (e.g., Ionin, Ko, & Wexler, 2004) have demonstrated that speakers of article-less languages often fail to use the English articles correctly because they wrongly rely on specificity, rather than definiteness. The present study has attempted to examine (a) whether or not Japanese learners of English can use definiteness when choosing the English article, and (b) to what extent they are influenced by specificity. Fourteen adult Japanese learners of English were recruited to perform a forced-choice gap-filling task, in which they were asked to read dialogs in English and choose either the indefinite or definite article for target noun phrases. Four conditions were created, namely, DS [+definite, +specific], DN [+definite, –specific], IS [–definite, +specific], and IN [–definite, –specific], and eight dialogs were presented for each condition (taken from Ionin, Ko, & Wexler, 2004). Mean choices and standard deviations of the indefinite article were 2.00 (2.22), 3.14 (2.38), 4.43 (2.44), and 6.14 (1.61), respectively. The overall results indicate that the Japanese learners of English can use definiteness when choosing the English article, though not perfectly. At the same time, they are slightly influenced by specificity, even though it is not encoded in the English article system. A closer look at the individual data has revealed that eight of the 14 participants were influenced by specificity at least to some extent. These results will be discussed in comparison with relevant previous studies.