This course will offer students an opportunity to develop fundamental English communication skills which will be indispensable after they graduate from the Faculty of Business Administration. The lessons will include listening and speaking activities, pronunciation and intonation activities, structured discussion, and problem solving activities.
Recent posts
- Announcements
- Interim report
- G-TELP score report
- Final make-up quiz on Friday, January 24 (09:00-12:10) at 行動科学実験室1. Listeningは10:00からと11:00からの2回再生するので、どちらか都合のよい方で受験してください。Vocabularyのみの人は上記時間内ならいつ受験してもかまいません。
- About the 2nd-year courses (履修の手引)
- Speaking test
- Announcements
- Study for the final make-up quiz.
- Continue the ReallyEnglish e-learning assignments.
- Good luck on the final exam on Thursday, January 30.
- Announcements
- Interim report
- Speaking test on Wednesday, January 15
- Final make-up quiz on Friday, January 24 (09:00-12:10), room to be announced
- Additional activity: Big Boggle (big boggle worksheet, big boggle data)
- Speaking test preparation (about the speaking test)
- Answering questions
- Picture description (review activities 10)
- Make-up quiz for Units 01-04
- Announcements/Homework
- Prepare for the speaking test.
- Really English e-learning.
- Announcements
- グローバル人材育成セミナー on Thursday, December 26
- Make-up quiz for Units 01-04 on Friday, January 10
- Speaking test on Wednesday, January 15
- Speaking test preparation (about the speaking test)
- Answering questions
- Picture description (review activities 08, review activities 09)
- Make-up quiz for Units 11-14
- Announcements/Homework
- 欠席者向けの課題:
- Speaking test の Part 2 で用意された20の質問から好きなものを選び、それぞれ100語程度の英文で書いてください。1回の欠席につき6つ、最大で3回分の欠席(3×6=18)を埋め合わせる課題とします。Microsoft Word で作成し、最初に学生番号と氏名を記入してください。印刷したものを1月10日の授業で提出するか、1月9日までに@hgu.jpのメールに添付する形で提出してください。
- Study for the make-up quiz for Units 01-04.
- Prepare for the speaking test.
- Really English e-learning.
- 欠席者向けの課題:
- Announcements
- Make-up quiz for Units 11-14 on Wednesday, December 25
- グローバル人材育成セミナー on Thursday, December 26
- Speaking test on Wednesday, January 15
- Speaking test preparation (about the speaking test)
- Answering questions
- Picture description (review activities 06, review activities 07)
- Make-up quiz for Units 06-09
- Announcements/Homework
- Study for the make-up quiz for Units 11–14.