Reading & Writing Strategies A

This course will offer students an opportunity to develop their English reading comprehension skills and basic process writing skills focusing on topics related to business, economics and information technology. It will require students to read and discuss various topics in the course textbooks. In addition, students will be required to write essays on related topics. A wide variety of reading and writing tasks will be presented to provide a stimulating learning, to develop practical skills that can be utilized in a work environment, and to build business and economics vocabulary.

Recent posts

  1. Announcements
    • 次回授業(6月23日)は出張のため special lesson を行います。いつも通り教室に来て、指示に従って課題を行ってください。
  2. Review quiz on Unit 4
  3. Unit 7: What’s your medicine? (unit 07 worksheet aunit 07 worksheet b)
    • Focus on reading (reading one)
    • Video
  4. Announcements/Homework
    • By Tuesday, June 27:
      • Do the main ideas, details, and inferences activities on pp. 164–165.
/ R&WS-A
  1. Announcements
    • Interim report
  2. Unit 5: We are what we eat
  3. Additional writing (pair writing worksheet)
  4. Announcements/Homework
    • Before next class:
      • There will be a review quiz on Unit 4, so please study Readings One & Two, Vocabulary, and Grammar.
/ R&WS-A
  1. Announcements
  2. Unit 5: We are what we eat (unit 05 worksheetunit 05 worksheet bunit 05 worksheet c; unit 05 worksheet d)
  3.  Announcements/Homework
    • Before next class:
      • Read the Science article titled “Transgenic salmon leaps to the dinner table” and answer the following questions:
        1. When was the AquAdvantage salmon approved by the US Food and Drug Administration?
        2. Why did it take so long for the AquAdvantage salmon before it finally got approved?
        3. What does “a drop in the bucket” (p. 418) imply?
        4. Why do some people oppose the AquAdvantage salmon?
/ R&WS-A
  1. Announcements
  2. Unit 4: Subway etiquette
    • Homework review
  3. Unit 5: We are what we eat (unit 05 worksheetunit 05 worksheet bunit 05 worksheet c)
    • Focus on the topic
    • Focus on reading (reading one)
    • Video
  4.  Announcements/Homework
    • Before next class:
      • Do the details and inferences activities.
      • Start Practical English and complete at least one lesson.
/ R&WS-A
  1. Announcements
  2. Review quiz on Unit 3
  3. Unit 4: Subway etiquette (unit 04 worksheetunit 04 worksheet bunit 04 worksheet c)
    • Focus on reading (reading one)
      • homework review
    • Video
    • Focus on reading (reading two)
    • Focus on writing
  4.  Announcements/Homework
    • Before next class:
      • Do connect the readings on pp. 92-93. Write your answers on the textbook.
/ R&WS-A