Reading & Writing Strategies A

This course will offer students an opportunity to develop their English reading comprehension skills and basic process writing skills focusing on topics related to business, economics and information technology. It will require students to read and discuss various topics in the course textbooks. In addition, students will be required to write essays on related topics. A wide variety of reading and writing tasks will be presented to provide a stimulating learning, to develop practical skills that can be utilized in a work environment, and to build business and economics vocabulary.

Recent posts

  1. Announcements
  2. Unit 1: Symbols
    • Reading 1: Color me pink
      • Writing 1 (Unit 01C, Unit 01D)
        • Homework review
          • Reading 1
          • Topic sentence
        • Analyzing paragraph structure
        • Concluding sentence
        • Writing practice: How different colors make us feel (continued)
    • Reading 2: And the lucky number is… (Unit 01E)
      • Pre-reading
      • Reading
      • Vocabulary
  3. Announcements/Homework
    • No homework!
/ R&WS-A
  1. Announcements
    • 私事で休講です。予定していた内容はすべて4月24日(水)に行います。 
    • Seating chart
  2. Unit 1: Symbols
    • Reading 1: Color me pink
      • Writing 1 (Unit 01C, Unit 01D)
        • Homework review
          • Topic sentence
        • Analyzing paragraph structure
        • Concluding sentence
        • Writing practice: How different colors make us feel (continued)
    • Reading 2: And the lucky number is… (Unit 01E)
      • Pre-reading
      • Reading
      • Vocabulary
  3. Announcements/Homework
    • TBA
/ R&WS-A
  1. Announcements
  2. Unit 1: Symbols
    • Reading 1: Color me pink
      • Summary writing feedback (Unit 01B Key)
      • Homework review
        • Looking for main ideas, scanning for details, & making inferences and drawing conclusions
      • Writing 1 (Unit 01C)
        • Writing skills
        • Writing practice: How different colors make us feel
  3. Announcements/Homework
    • Exercise 3 (pp. 12-13) on the textbook. Write appropriate topic sentences for 2 & 3.
/ R&WS-A
  1. Announcements
  2. Textbook overview
  3. Unit 1: Symbols
    • Reading 1: Color me pink (Unit 01AUnit 01B)
      • Pre-reading
      • Reading
      • Vocabulary
      • Reading comprehension
      • Summary writing
  4. Announcements/Homework
    • Vocabulary in context B (pp. 7-8) on the Unit 01A worksheet.
    • Looking for main ideas (pp. 8-9) on the textbook.
    • Scanning for details (p. 9) on the textbook.
    • Making inferences and drawing conclusions (p. 10) on the Unit 01A worksheet.
/ R&WS-A
  1. Announcements
  2. Overview of the course (R&WS-A syllabus 2019)
  3. Introducing the class web site
    • Announcements are posted here.
    • You can download handouts here.
    • Most of the handouts are password-protected.
  4. G-Plus/Gmail
  5. Instructor’s self-introduction
  6. Self-introduction (self-introduction worksheet)
  7. Textbook purchase
  8. Announcements/Homework
    • Join the LINE group.
    • Have a quick look at the textbook. 目次をチェックしたり、それぞれのユニットがどのような流れになっているかを確認したりしておいてください。
/ R&WS-A