This course will offer students an opportunity to develop their writing skills for the purpose of communication, employing the process writing approach and various writing activities.
By taking this course, students will be able to increase their writing fluency. In WS-B I, they will also learn the basic paragraph structure in English and will be able to write well-organized one-paragraph essays. In addition, they will learn the basic essay structure in English and will be able to write well-organized essays (consisting of more than one paragraph) in WS-B II.
Recent posts
- Announcements
- Unit 6: Cause-effect essays
- Topic: Effects of eating too much junk food
- First draft peer review (unit 6 peer editing sheet)
- ビジネス英語科目について
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, January 27:
- Second draft of the cause-effect essay @ Google Classroom.
- By Friday, January 31:
- Slack posts both in #topics and #journal
- By Monday, January 27:
- Announcements
- グローバル人材育成セミナー on Thursday, December 26
- Unit 6: Cause-effect essays
- Working with language in a cause-effect essay
- Activities 11, 12, & 13
- Introductory paragraph peer review
- Effects of eating too much junk food
- Working with language in a cause-effect essay
- First draft
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, January 20:
- Unit 6 (cause-effect) essay first draft @ Google Classroom.
- By Friday, January 31:
- Slack posts.
- By Monday, January 20:
- Announcements
- Unit 6: Cause-effect essays
- Choosing a topic:
- Effects of eating too much junk food
- Brainstorming
- Working with language in a cause-effect essay
- Activities 9 & 10
- Choosing a topic:
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, December 16:
- Slack posts.
- Unit 6 Activities 11, 12, & 13 (pp. 156-158).
- Unit 6 (cause-effect) essay introductory paragraph @ Google Classroom. Introductory paragraph を完成させ、第2パラグラフ以降は topic sentences と最終パラグラフの concluding sentence のみ書いてください。
- By Monday, December 16: