This course will offer students an opportunity to develop their writing skills for the purpose of communication, employing the process writing approach and various writing activities.
By taking this course, students will be able to increase their writing fluency. In WS-B I, they will also learn the basic paragraph structure in English and will be able to write well-organized one-paragraph essays. In addition, they will learn the basic essay structure in English and will be able to write well-organized essays (consisting of more than one paragraph) in WS-B II.
Recent posts
- Announcements
- Unit 5: Comparison essays
- Writing a comparative essay
- Second draft peer review
- Writing a comparative essay
- Unit 6: Cause-effect essays
- Lecture and model essay analysis (cause-effect worksheet)
- Choosing a topic:
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, December 09:
- Slack posts.
Outline of the cause-effect essay. 提出できる形で用意してください。手書きでもOK。- Think of possible cause-effect (focus on effects) essay topics.
- By Monday, December 09:
- Announcements
- Unit 5: Comparison essays
- Writing a comparative essay
- Topic: Hokkaido and Okinawa (comparison)
- Introductory paragraph peer review
- Grammar for writing
- Word forms and common suffixes
- Connectors and transitions
- Comparative and superlative
- Parallel structure
- Writing a comparative essay
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, November 18:
- Slack posts.
- Unit 5 (comparison) essay first draft @ Google Classroom.
- By Monday, November 18:
- Announcements
- Unit 5: Comparison essays
- Organization of a comparison essay
- Grammar for writing (Activities 12 &13)
- Model essay review (Activity 14)
- Topic selection
- Hokkaido and Okinawa (comparison)
- Brainstorming
- Outlining
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, November 18:
- Slack posts.
- Unit 5 (comparison) essay introductory paragraph @ Google Classroom. 北海道と沖縄の共通点を3点扱うエッセイを書きます。Point-by-point organization と block organization のどちらを選択しても構いません。Introductory paragraph を完成させ、第2パラグラフ以降は topic sentences と最終パラグラフの concluding sentence のみ書いてください。
- By Monday, November 18: