- Announcements
- Warm-up
- Unit 06. Education: What subjects do you like?
- Section C: Extension
- Presentation: A teacher that taught you in a previous school
- Section C: Extension
- Unit 07. Journeys: Around the world
- Section A. Input task
- Warm-up
- Pre-task
- Main task
- Section A. Input task
- Reflection (reflection sheet 2)
- Announcements/Homework
カテゴリー: ECS
ECS 2-04 (10/11)
Class canceled. 私事のため休講です。
ECS 2-03 (10/04)
- Announcements
- Class canceled on Friday, October 11
- Warm-up
- Unit 06. Education: What subjects do you like?
- Section B: Output task
- Pre-task
- Main task
- Post-task
- Section C: Extension
- Listening
- Canada: Encyclopedia Britannica, Lonely Planet
- Mongolia: Encyclopedia Britannica, Lonely Planet
- Listening
- Section B: Output task
- Reflection (reflection sheet 2)
- Announcements/Homework
- Prepare for the presentation about a teacher that taught you in a previous school.
ECS 2-02 (09/27)
- Announcements
- Warm-up
- Unit 06. Education: What subjects do you like?
- Section A: Input task
- Warm-up
- My vocabulary
- Pre-task
- Main task
- Post-task
- Section B: Output task
- Pre-task
Main taskPost-task
- Section A: Input task
- Reflection (reflection sheet 2)
- Announcements/Homework
- TBA.
ECS 2-01 (09/20)
- Announcements
- Warm-up
- Summer report
- Introduction
- Planning
- Group work
- Presentation
Unit 06. Education: What subjects do you like?Section A: Input taskWarm-upMy vocabularyPre-taskMain taskPost-task
- Reflection (reflection sheet 2)
- Announcements/Homework
- Bring the textbook.
ECS 15 (07/26)
- Announcements
- Seating chart
課題内容:教科書 Unit 1 から Unit 5 までのそれぞれの Reading の概要を日本語100字程度にまとめてください。1回の欠席につきひとつの Unit を対象とし、最大3回分まで提出できます。どの Unit を選ぶかはお任せします。
- 注意事項:内容に応じて出席および授業参加度に加点します(質が低ければ加点ゼロもあり得ます)。欠席していない人も希望者は提出可能です(加点します)。独力でやってください。他の人と極端に似通った内容にものが見つかった場合、両者を加点ゼロにします。
- Unit 05. Past events: When I was little
- Section C: Extension
- Listening
- Presentation
- Section C: Extension
- Reflection (reflection sheet)
- Announcements/Homework
- 夏休み中に英語に触れることを意識してください。休み明け最初の授業では、休み中の英語使用について英語でプレゼンしてもらう予定です。
ECS 14 (07/19)
- Announcements
- Unit 05. Past events: When I was little
- Section A: Input task
- Warm-up
- My vocabulary
- Pre-task
- Main task
- Post-task
- Section B: Output task
- Pre-task
- Main task
- Post-task
- Section A: Input task
- Reflection (reflection sheet)
- Announcements/Homework
ECS 13 (07/12)
- Announcements
- Unit 04. Describing rooms: That’s pretty stylish
- Section C: Extension
- Listening
- Canada: Encyclopedia Britannica, Lonely Planet
- England: Encyclopedia Britannica, Lonely Planet
- Presentation
- Listening
- Section C: Extension
- Reflection (reflection sheet)
- Announcements/Homework
ECS 12 (07/05)
- Announcements
- Unit 04. Describing rooms: That’s pretty stylish
- Section B: Output task
- Pre-task
- Main task
- Post-task
Section C: ExtensionListeningCanada: Encyclopedia Britannica, Lonely PlanetEngland: Encyclopedia Britannica, Lonely Planet
- Section B: Output task
- Reflection (reflection sheet)
- Announcements/Homework
ECS 11 (06/28)
- Announcements
- Unit 04. Describing rooms: That’s pretty stylish
- Section A: Input task
- Warm-up
- My vocabulary
- Pre-task
- Main task
- Post-task
- Section B: Output task
- Pre-task
- Main task
- Post-task
- Section A: Input task
- Reflection (reflection sheet)
- Announcements/Homework