カテゴリー: WS-B
WS-B 2-14 (01/21)
- Announcements
- Unit 6: Cause-effect essays
- Topic: Effects of eating too much junk food
- First draft peer review (unit 6 peer editing sheet)
- ビジネス英語科目について
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, January 27:
- Second draft of the cause-effect essay @ Google Classroom.
- By Friday, January 31:
- Slack posts both in #topics and #journal
- By Monday, January 27:
WS-B 2-13 (12/24)
- Announcements
- グローバル人材育成セミナー on Thursday, December 26
- Unit 6: Cause-effect essays
- Working with language in a cause-effect essay
- Activities 11, 12, & 13
- Introductory paragraph peer review
- Effects of eating too much junk food
- Working with language in a cause-effect essay
- First draft
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, January 20:
- Unit 6 (cause-effect) essay first draft @ Google Classroom.
- By Friday, January 31:
- Slack posts.
- By Monday, January 20:
WS-B 2-12 (12/17)
WS-B 2-11 (12/10)
- Announcements
- Unit 6: Cause-effect essays
- Choosing a topic:
- Effects of eating too much junk food
- Brainstorming
- Working with language in a cause-effect essay
- Activities 9 & 10
- Choosing a topic:
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, December 16:
- Slack posts.
- Unit 6 Activities 11, 12, & 13 (pp. 156-158).
- Unit 6 (cause-effect) essay introductory paragraph @ Google Classroom. Introductory paragraph を完成させ、第2パラグラフ以降は topic sentences と最終パラグラフの concluding sentence のみ書いてください。
- By Monday, December 16:
WS-B 2-10 (12/03)
- Announcements
- Unit 5: Comparison essays
- Writing a comparative essay
- Second draft peer review
- Writing a comparative essay
- Unit 6: Cause-effect essays
- Lecture and model essay analysis (cause-effect worksheet)
- Choosing a topic:
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, December 09:
- Slack posts.
Outline of the cause-effect essay. 提出できる形で用意してください。手書きでもOK。- Think of possible cause-effect (focus on effects) essay topics.
- By Monday, December 09:
WS-B 2-09 (11/26)
- Announcements
- Unit 5: Comparison essays
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, December 02:
- Slack posts.
- Unit 5 (comparison) essay second draft @ Google Classroom.
- By Monday, December 02:
WS-B 2-08 (11/19)
- Announcements
- Unit 5: Comparison essays
- Writing a comparative essay
- Topic: Hokkaido and Okinawa (comparison)
- Introductory paragraph peer review
- Grammar for writing
- Word forms and common suffixes
- Connectors and transitions
- Comparative and superlative
- Parallel structure
- Writing a comparative essay
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, November 18:
- Slack posts.
- Unit 5 (comparison) essay first draft @ Google Classroom.
- By Monday, November 18:
WS-B 2-07 (11/12)
- Announcements
- Unit 5: Comparison essays
- Organization of a comparison essay
- Grammar for writing (Activities 12 &13)
- Model essay review (Activity 14)
- Topic selection
- Hokkaido and Okinawa (comparison)
- Brainstorming
- Outlining
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, November 18:
- Slack posts.
- Unit 5 (comparison) essay introductory paragraph @ Google Classroom. 北海道と沖縄の共通点を3点扱うエッセイを書きます。Point-by-point organization と block organization のどちらを選択しても構いません。Introductory paragraph を完成させ、第2パラグラフ以降は topic sentences と最終パラグラフの concluding sentence のみ書いてください。
- By Monday, November 18:
WS-B 2-06 (11/05)
- Announcements
- Unit 5: Comparison essays
- Comparison essays
- Organization of a comparison essay
- Grammar for writing (Activities 9, 10, & 11)
- Announcements/Homework
- By Monday, November 12:
- Slack posts.
- Activities 12, 13, & 14 (pp. 132-133)
- Think of possible topics for the comparison essay.
- By Monday, November 12: